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Neural Connections Blog

MD Biosciences insights discussing preclinical research in Pain and Neurodegenerative Conditions

Promoting Diversity for Translational Success

In preclinical efficacy studies, several factors are often overlooked, and it is important to evaluate variables like sex, age, species, comorbidities, and genetic background. Incorporating these considerations early on improves the translatability of findings to clinical settings and ultimately improves drug effectiveness. In translational studies, simplifying the complexities related to variables such as sex and age is not viable. These factors must be considered when designing efficacy studies, both in vitro and in vivo. By addressing these factors during the planning stages of preclinical studies, researchers can save time and resources when transitioning to clinical studies. MD Biosciences is invested in studying the effects of diversity in preclinical studies.

In Vitro Modeling

The goal of the preclinical development process is to help predict clinical efficacy, emphasizing...

The HTX-011 Story

HTX-011 Breakthrough in Pain Management

ZYNRELEF, the commercial name for HTX-011, is the first and...

Wound Healing Models in Pigs

It is important to bridge the gap between lab findings and clinical applications using...

Advancing Nerve Injury and Repair Models

Understanding Mechanisms Underlying Neuropathic Pain

Porcine Translational Research

Advancing Beyond Rodent and Non-Human Primate Models

While rodent models have contributed...

Increase diversity to improve clinical translation and strengthen pain management outcomes.

The goal of preclinical drug development is to identify potential therapeutic compounds and gain an...