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MD Biosciences

Inflammation & Pain Processing: Customizable Preclinical Models

Chronic, destructive inflammation is at the core of a wide variety of diseases and conditions.


Anti-inflammatory Cytokines | Potential Targets In Neuropathic Pain

We are continuing our series on the immune system, inflammation related factors and potential drup...

Pro-inflammatory Cytokines | Potential Neuropathic Pain Targets

Over the past few weeks we have been reviewing the overlap between the nervous and immune systems....

Neuro/Immune Interactions Along Pain Processing Pathway

Previously we discussed various interactions that occur between the immune and nervous systems...

Nervous & Immune System Interactions | Preclinical Targets

Some of the most interesting and rapidly developing areas inbiomedical science are those being...

Inflammatory Mediators & Neuropathic Pain Models

Neuropathic pain is a chronic pain condition caused by lesion or inflammation affecting the...

Pain & Inflammation Link | Need For Relevant Preclinical Models

Considering the close link between inflammation and the pain process, preclinical efficacy models...

EAE Preclinical Model Associated With FDA Approved MS Drugs

The Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) model is associated with FDA Approved MS Drugs...