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Behavior Assessments

A deeper understanding of disease. 


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Assessing Cognition, Memory, Pain, and Sensorimotor function.


Neurological diseases often result in a combination of motor and cognitive deficits. Thus, behavioral assessments in conjunction with physiological readouts offer a broader understanding of the basic biological mechanism of disease and cognitive impairment, highly relevant to therapeutic developments. The following are behavior assessments that are added to studies. 


meh-solid Pain Behavior


balance-scale-solid Balance and Coordination


brain-solid Learning and Cognition


running-solid Sensory and Motor Function


stress Anxiety and Stress



Spontaneous Behavior Score in Pigs.

Assessment of spontaneous behavior requires observation of the social and individual behavior of pigs in the open pen. The scoring method used is based on a numerical rating scale (NRS) of multifactorial criteria and is modified from the method described by Reyes et al. (2002). The behavior score is divided into two distinct categories: (1) solitary performance and (2) social behavior.

behavior score pig PNT model




If you are ready to discuss how a partnership can fit into your development program, our scientists are eager to explore the possibilities with you. Like many other pharmaceutical and medical device developers, you can rely on predictive preclinical data.


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